Thursday, December 9, 2010


I posted a status yesterday that said, "If you need to get in touch with me, my email address is I probably won't be checking my Facebook anymore."  The instant response was concern (which is kind), but it wasn't my goal to worry anyone.  I've found that my communication skills aren't always stellar.

I decided to stop checking Facebook, and possibly even delete my page, because of a few personal reasons that I don't mind sharing.  Because I'm seeking to find balance in my life, I've reconsidered deleting my page.  I just need to stop checking it so much.

I'm getting ready to pursue my M.A. in Counseling.  It's going to be a lot of work and take a lot of time.  I believe this is God's call for my life, so I need to prioritize.  I have big dreams, but I've been living a pretty mundane existence.  I've come to realize there are things in my life that I could cut out that would give me more time for the things I really care about.  I want to live a radical life for Jesus, and the hours every week that I spend on Facebook are holding me back.  Now, this is not to say that YOU can't live a radical life for Jesus while using's just that I can't do the things I've been doing if I want to live 100% for Him.

Now, let me be even more transparent...Facebook enables me not to be in relationships.  Let me explain.  For the majority of my life, I was a very cautious person who was afraid of relationships.  I lived by fear, rather than by faith.  I know that I was created for relationship, which is one of the reasons Facebook and other forms of social media are so appealing.  I long for social interaction!  What I've found, however, is that Facebook allows me to keep up with the events of people's lives without actually having to invest.  Rather than calling or meeting up with someone to find out how he/she is doing, I can simply Facebook "stalk".  It finally hit me that I don't really deserve to know what's going on with someone if I'm not willing to give of my time.  In a way, for me, it's more like catching up on gossip than actually getting to know the people I care about.  If I spent half the time I use for Facebook with other people, my friendships would deepen.  I want REAL friends.  I want to LOVE people, not just watch them live their lives.

Facebook also enables me to continue living a boring, ordinary life, all the while longing for more.  When I was a kid, I would often watch other kids having fun, but was too afraid or too cautious to join in.  Unfortunately, not much changed over the years.  I find myself reading other people's pages, looking at their pictures, and thinking to myself, "That's awesome!  I wish my life was that interesting.  I wish I was living that adventerously for Christ!"  So the other day, a thought hit me..."Get off Facebook and LIVE!" 

Matthew 5:29 says, "If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away..."  In my life today, this translates as, "If your Facebook holds you back from God's plan for your life, stop checking it!"

I know this might seem weird, but I'm very convicted about it.  I don't think Facebook is sinful; I actually think it's a wonderful way to keep in touch with people you care about.  BUT just like anything else in life, too much of a good thing can be bad...


  1. I look up to you for doing that. I've been trying to be on fb less. I agree with you. I enjoy our friendship! :)

  2. Thanks, friends! I'm so glad you both are in my life!
